The Natural Dye Kit 02: Brights is a natural dyeing kit that will deliver saturated, bright colors with the possibility of lighter colors and muted tones with dye techniques. This natural dye kit is for any skill level from very beginner to expert. No matter what experience you have had with natural dyeing, you will be able to create gorgeous, eco-friendly fabrics. The ingredients will allow you to dye at least 2 yards of fabric. This kit provides a simple way to learn natural dyeing and dye an array of colors without having to buy large quantities and figure out the process on your own.
The Natural Dye Kit 02:Brights includes:
Aluminum Acetate & Tannin for mordanting
Osage Orange, Cochineal, Madder Root, and Iron
PDF of the Beginner's Guide to Natural Dyeing + specific instructions for the Natural Dye Kit 02
Want to learn more about this kit? See more details on the blog.
Allow up to 1 week for shipping. Email sidelakstitch@gmail.com with any questions.